The expression Trial by Fire, a test of one’s abilities to perform well under pressure alluding to the medieval practice of determining a person’s guilt by having him undergo an ordeal such as walking barefoot through a fire flashes through one’s mind in the ongoing ordeal of humanity across the world first to survive fatal…
Containing the contagion
March 23, 2020Contagions, the diseases that spread from one person or animal to another through touch or through the air have currently aroused the world like never before, thanks to the virus that has been lately titled Covid-19 after a few weeks of being talked about as Coronavirus originating from China. Unlike its many predecessor pathogenic organisms…
Aloof, but not lonely
March 21, 2020The days of mobs jostling in the streets merrily staging noisy road shows in the cause of multitude of causes have tended to come to an abrupt end across the country, including Mysuru, touted as a city of residents marked by laid-back outlook in daily life. Groups in some regions of the country, surcharged with…
Concern for social good
March 20, 2020Socially responsible companies are noted for their initiatives on using resources to engage with a sense of responsibility towards ensuring social welfare. The process of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) getting financial and other support from the corporate sector to be used for social good has been expressed by the expression Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). India is…
Untouchability in new avatar
March 19, 2020Without meaning to take the side of Covid-19 ravaging many countries around the world, the epidemic has its unique positive, virtually concealed under its multiple negatives made familiar by the ever alert media. For a change, not exactly welcome, the columns of dailies don’t seem to have space for printing matters relating to other familiar…
Writing to nourish reading
March 18, 2020Creating skills in the unskilled sections of the population and improving the quality of skills already manifesting itself in others figure among many pro-people measures launched under the auspices of both the Union Government and many State Governments, including Government of Karnataka. Writing skill is conspicuously missing in the nationwide movement while veteran writers in…
Planet’s plight
March 17, 2020Many aspects of the villainous virus virtually shaking nearly every region of the planet for the past few weeks are being flashed by the media in quantitative terms, stating the number of countries coming under its chilling presence, number of deaths attributed solely to the evil, number of people proving positive in the tests being…
Marshalling manpower
March 16, 2020The terms population burden and human resource, when mentioned by both seasoned writers and public speakers concerned with marshalling the nation’s millennials into productive tasks of economic value reflect contrasting outlook to the unemployment scene, oscillating between pessimism and optimism. The stressful mental state of families with members past the age of 20 years struggling…
Connecting by celebrating
March 14, 2020The feature of nearly 140 crore people of India, following diverse faiths, celebrating festivals that have endured for several centuries has no parallel in any other country across the world. Creating a directory, even an encyclopedia, of the innumerable festivals being celebrated with fervour throughout the year that can be envy of the atheists and…
Food fads
March 13, 2020Most health-conscious adults are marked by concern, often clueless about a diet regime to be followed daily without experiencing quakes in their bellies. Many of them are source of domestic disharmony while teenagers tend to stage rebellion when their elders in the family lay down the ground rules of do’s and dont’s in the matter…
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